Love Me or Leave Me Podcast (Limited Series)

A podcast about filling in the gaps of our relationships, the deeply personal choices we make for our families and ourselves, and the impact our actions have on the rest of our lives.

Hosted by Meredith Shirey & Isaiah Vallejo-Juste | Produced by Rich Hackman

Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

Mediation and Adoption with Joy Rosenthal

In this episode we chat with mediator Joy Rosenthal about her role as an objective third party helping couples through contentious situations. She surmises that her goal is to keep the parties together as much as possible especially in a court judicial system that is not set up for people to voice their fears, and work through conflict. She discusses how the adversarial system built for business isn't what's best for the whole family.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

The Fear of Finances with Stacy Francis

Transparently discussing money and finances in a relationship has long been a point of contention between many couples. In this episode our good friend and renowned Financial Planner, Stacy Francis, breaks down in plain terms what it means to be financially responsible and accountable, and what it takes to secure your financial future, married or divorced.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

Making of Love me or Leave Me with Rich Hackman

As we wrap up the first half of our season, we pause to reflect on the nature of all the impactful conversations we’ve had, and the exponential personal and professional growth we’ve experience. To help us unpack the ever-nuanced process we undertook is our friend and producer Rich Hackman.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

Divorce Chose Me with Nicole Trivlis

One of the most contentious times in any relationship is its ending. Equally as contentious is filing for divorce and ending your marriage, but does it have to be? While the process can be emotionally charged and sometimes highly volatile, are there ways to reach more successful conclusions and amicable agreements? Join us and Family/Matrimonial Law Attorney Nicole Trivlis as we delve deep into the details of divorce.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman


While it may seem like the definition of infidelity is clear-cut and unwavering, the concept of infidelity has significantly shifted over the decades and centuries. Where proof of sexual impropriety once served as the sole and clear intent of unfaithfulness in conventional marriages, the onset of love matching in modern day marital relations has blurred the lines for what constitutes indiscretion. We unpack why that is, and what to do about it.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman


For many generations the construct of monogamy has prevailed as the most acceptable form of union between consenting individuals. In recent decades that construct has be challenged and put to the test within the halls of the law, and in numerous therapeutic practices. In this conversation we keep an open mind and examine Monogamy from both our personal experience and professional knowledge.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

Let’s Talk About Sex with Melissa Pennica

For as long as we can remember talking openly about sex has seemed like the least sexy thing you could do. Whether because of the stigma surrounding it, lack of honest and empowering education about it, or fear and shame experienced as a result of it, generation after generation we miss our opportunity to address it….until now. 

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

All About That Prenup

With thousands of prenuptial agreements being negotiated everyday you would imagine that there would be less of a stigma for modern day couples when discussing whether or not to have one. With no guarantees that having a prenup will result in a divorce, or create a lasting marriage, what drives us to continue having this polarizing conversation?

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

Healthy, Sexy, Fun in 2021 with Susan Greeley

Getting on the same page as your partner when it comes to healthy habits has never been more crucial, especially after quarantine. From our past conversations about open and honest communication, values and goals, to establishing and respecting  each other’s boundaries around health and wellness, Susan Greeley navigates us through these delicate discussions to find compromise.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

Before You Say “I Do” - Part 2

In part one of this two-part episode titled “Before You Say I Do,” we grappled with how to have nuanced conversations around lifestyle choices and goals, family and in-laws, and religion preferences, all before you get married. In part two, we dig a little deeper, starting with children and money.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

Before You Say “I Do” - Part 1

No matter what stage of life you are in, or phase of relationship you find yourself, at one point or another, you consider making a more serious and formal commitment. In this two-part episode titled “Before You Say I Do,” we grapple with some of the more nuanced conversations you might want to have with your potential partner.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

Communication - Part 2

If you asked what the key to a good relationship was, most people would say communication. If prompted further, most would tell you that they are good or effective communicators, but is that true? In this two-part episode on communication our strategies deviate. In Part 2, Meredith, being a licensed psychotherapist, will explore the alternative of not leaving the relationship, but instead finding new ways to connect with your partner, improve communication, and manage conflict.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

Communication - Part 1

Extended periods of time quarantined and confined indoors with our partners taught us the importance of healthy and meaningful communication. But what happens when all forms of civil communication breakdown? In this two-part episode on communication our strategies deviate. In Part 1, Isaiah, being a marital attorney, will investigate how you can make a divorce less painful when communication is beyond repair. In Part 2, Meredith, being a licensed psychotherapist, will explore the alternative of not leaving the relationship, but instead finding new ways to connect with your partner, improve communication, and manage conflict.

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

What Now? Life After 2020 - Part 2

If ever there was a silver lining to the pandemic it’s that it has afforded us a rare opportunity to reevaluate our relationships. In many ways it has minimized our distractions. It forces us to acknowledge on a deeper level the interpersonal connections we have with the people under our roofs. Some people will make it  and some people won’t. It all depends on how you use this time. As tension runs high in our households during quarantine you might imagine that there would be an impact on the divorce rates in America, but is that actually true? What do you do when it seems like there’s nothing that can be done. 

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Rich Hackman Rich Hackman

What Now? Life After 2020 - Part 1

They say hindsight is 2020, and if the year 2020 has taught us anything it has been to take stock of what is important in our lives right now. “What Now? Life After 2020” is a two-part episode all about how we are collectively coping with quarantine, communication challenges and strategies, and how to simply remember how to be human.

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