Over a decade of imagination, innovation, and creativity…
User Interface & User Experience
Between my time spent as a Creative Developer at Warner Music Group, and my term as Art Director at NYLife Insurance, I lead teams from conception to completion on several B2B digital marketing initiatives. Projects included the design and development of both internal and consumer-facing online platforms ranging in complexity and functionality. Driven extensively my data and analytics, I collaborated cross-functionally with heads of technology, marketing & sales, and branding & communications to develop and synthesize user profiles and journeys, site-mapping and technical specifications, as well as strategic marketing objectives that adhered to visual and verbal branding requirements. Oh, and I had fun doing it all. The biggest challenge was project and time management, especially when was dealing with so many stakeholders, but I’m proud to say that by leveraging the in-house cloud-based project management platforms, and by cultivating a culture and feedback loop that was of frequent and detailed on the creative operations team, all projects were completed by deadline or earlier.
Print Media
I began my career as a traditional print media graphic design consultant. I typically created the kind of one-off business development pieces you might now easily create on a do-it-yourself stationary production platform like VistaPrint or Moo. However, from the very onset I realized and felt the need to gain insight and develop materials that told the larger story of the companies I served. I expanded my design sense to fit more into a branded campaign model, working on literature and collateral that might be relevant at every stage of a direct marketing sales funnel. I began to take creative liberty with copywriting, art direction, and strategic decisions on product role-outs. My campaign designs were used for national conferences, merchandise sales, and even part of a month-long New York City subway art installation.
Visual Identity Systems
Throughout my creative career, I’ve had the extreme privilege of designing or revitalizing the branding and visual identity systems for companies big and small. It can be an extremely delicate design challenge given how attached companies are to their brands, but through a series of collaborative exercises, where the brand stakeholders become a part of the creative process, I’ve manage to enjoy success in developing new design languages for employers and clients that they continue to use across their marketing and communication ecosystems many years later.
While motion graphics are not my greatest strength admittedly, I’ve excelled at being an effective storyteller for some internal corporate explainer videos. More challenging than the actual implementation of the animations was developing and reworking the initial storyboards that were circulated to multiple stakeholders for feedback and approvals. It was particularly fulfilling working collaboratively with a copywriter, and a product manger to ensure the right message and tone.
Storyboard of B2B Explainer Video Concept
B2B Explainer Video empowering insurance agents with new marketing communication resources.
B2B Explainer Video to direct insurance agents to new resources.
It goes without saying that I’m a fan of anime and comic culture. In my spare time I enjoy doodling in the margins of my notepads. In some instances I’m known to illustrate exclusively with a pen, like a proper masochist.